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Playful Wisdom Blog

Play Therapy Week 2020
What is Play Therapy?
Play Therapy is an evidence-based practice for working with children to improve their mental health.
Olympia Therapy
Feb 5, 20204 min read

Bedtime Battles & Sleeping Solutions
If all else fails. . . enjoy the moment. A good bed time routine takes work. Most likely it isn’t going to happen overnight. Every night you
Carrie Pipkin & Cary M. Hamilton
Nov 12, 20195 min read

“Being With” your child develops their Resiliency
As a parent, if we lose sight of the human child in front of you and only seek to have compliance and dominance over the developing child -
Cary M. Hamilton & Sarah Moran
Sep 16, 20197 min read

Toys for your fidgety kid & self!
Cary, Olympia Therapy's owner, is often asked about what sensory fidgets and items she has in her clinic when she presents to the public...
Cary Hamilton
Jun 3, 20191 min read

Happy Play Therapy Week!
This week, February 3-9, is National Play Therapy Week! So let's talk about play therapy and how it can help your child and your family!...
Sarah Moran & Cary M. Hamilton
Feb 7, 20193 min read

Managing Behavioral Challenges Through Connection and Play
When parents are looking for support for children with difficult behaviors, play therapy is often a modality they find intriguing....
Cary M. Hamilton & Sarah Moran
Jan 11, 20193 min read

Failing Our Girls; Girls with ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a hidden disorder in girls. It is often diagnosed and seen as a boy disorder because of...
Sarah Moran and Cary M. Hamilton
Nov 1, 20186 min read

What Do You Do, When You Don't Know What To Do As A Parent?
When in the window of tolerance, you are in the "zone" and it means your brain is responding to stimuli effectively and you are on
Cary M. Hamilton
Oct 10, 20186 min read

Opening the Gateway to Connection: Strategies to Facilitate Healthy Parent- Child Relationships
An effective way to let children know you are “with” them is to learn reflective responses when communicating. This is a way of following, r
Cary M. Hamilton & Sarah Moran
Sep 3, 20186 min read

The Great (and Not So Great) Eight!
Every parent knows that each age and stage of child development presents new and uncharted territory. For Eight this is a time of multiple t
Cary M. Hamilton & Sarah Moran
Aug 11, 20188 min read

Is This Normal? When to Worry about Teenage Moodiness.
It's a familiar tale: A once lively and connected teenager suddenly becomes distant. Maybe they spend more time with their friends than...
Cary M. Hamilton & Katrina Swenson
Jul 17, 20182 min read

Here comes Four!
Four can be a challenging time for parents, as Four often reacts strongly and with intense emotions: of happiness, silliness, anger, and sad
Cary M. Hamilton & Sarah Moran
Jun 19, 20185 min read

Learning the HARD way about our 8th sense- Interoception.
The body knows how to get attention. It will often give you outward signals that a child is struggling with unknown pain. Facial tics, grima
Cary M. Hamilton
May 18, 20185 min read

Choosing the Right Therapist for your Child & Family
Taking care of a child's emotional and psychological world is just as important as caring for the health of their body and teeth. Ensuri
Cary M. Hamilton & Sarah Moran
Apr 21, 20184 min read

It's Time For Nine!
As Nine is starting to think more independently, their ability to have increased attention for task completion allows for improved decision-
Cary M. Hamilton & Sarah Moran
Mar 19, 20186 min read

When they all look alike: ADHD, Anxiety, & SPD.
As the parent of a complicated child you strive to understand the different labels your child is given and how professionals know the...
Cary M. Hamilton & Sarah Moran
Feb 15, 20183 min read

Have you met Five?
Five starts off with an abundance of curiosity about the world around them. Five soaks up knowledge like a sponge, asking seemingly...
Cary M. Hamilton & Sarah Moran
Jan 17, 20185 min read

What's Up With Seven?
Seven's sensitivity is compounded with their ability to comprehend big worries for the first time, particularly about things that are un
Cary M. Hamilton & Sarah Moran
Nov 13, 20174 min read

Keep Calm & Parent On!
Ever wonder why it seems your children never hear you? Do you feel like a broken record saying “no” all the time, or “stop”, or even...
Cary M. Hamilton of Olympia Therapy
Oct 9, 20174 min read
The information contained on this site, blog posts, videos, and interviews are for general education purposes and do not constitute professional advice. If you are a provider, it’s important to seek training, continuing education, or clinical supervision. If you are a parent, I encourage you to seek direct help from a qualified provider for your child and family. All identifying information, including names and other details, has been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.
*The photos used are personal or are stock photography models and do not represent specific individuals in any way.
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