Hey There
Wherever you are in your journey, we welcome your questions. Here are a few frequently asked questions to get started.
What is Therapy?
Psychotherapy is a journey of growth between a client and clinician, which is built upon a strong therapeutic alliance comprised of trust, mutual respect, empathy, and complete acceptance. The services utilized at Olympia Therapy include evidence based practices, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which targets unhelpful and problematic thoughts, negative emotional states, and maladaptive behavior patterns that may make one's life smaller. Our clinicians strive to meet all clients where they are at while examining what concerns brought them to treatment. Unique client specific treatment plans are implemented to best serve our clients' goals in a manner that is in alignment with their values.
Will professional therapy help?
Therapy is an active, collaborative process between a client and clinician. It is our hope that our clients will participate in the change process in a purposeful and meaningful manner, as the road to change can be challenging and bumpy! We strive to provide skills that are client specific and work toward their goals, which may include stress management, behavioral activation to combat depression, anxiety reduction techniques, parenting plans and psychoeducation, among other clinically indicated treatment interventions. Risks: Counseling is an intensely personal process that has many benefits; however, it can occur that an escalation of negative symptoms occurs in the short term as the process unfolds. This may include surfacing of unpleasant emotions or memories, feelings of heightened discomfort, increased tension in relationships, causing fear, doubt, or resistance. This is normal and can be tempered through discussion, as can frustrations that arise according to expectations and one’s sense of urgency. Benefits: There are many benefits to therapy and clients are encouraged to consider the risks and benefits of therapy before committing. Some of the many benefits of therapy include improved awareness and insight, development of tools, skills, and coping mechanisms, reduction in symptomatology, greater confidence, better communication skills, emotional regulation, behavioral modification, and improved relations. Research has consistently supported the value of therapy over time.
What is the therapy process like?
Typically the therapy process starts with an intake interview, which includes a review of the terms of Disclosure and Informed Consent, and continues with diagnostic protocols and the development of therapy goals in the form of a Treatment Plan, which is updated regularly. Therapeutic techniques are employed in line with presenting goals and issues, often including dialogue, psychoeducation, relaxation, skill building, role modeling, reframing, and homework, to name a few. Therapy goals many be completed within 4-6 months when the focus is limited to resolving specific symptoms or problem areas, or longer if the focus of treatment is on more pervasive, long-standing difficulties. We generally like to see clients weekly at the onset of therapy, tapering as symptoms ease and progress is made. Alternatives: At times it may become necessary to restrict or terminate therapy, or to refer our clients to another professional, or for specialized services. This may be done when safety concerns arise, where needs arise that are better met by another or adjunct professional, or when the dynamics between client and therapist suggest the need for change. If this should occur, we can discuss the concern to determine the best course of action. We will of course do everything we can to assist in providing referral options. The risks and benefits of outside therapy are not under the control of Olympia Therapy. If you have any questions regarding the above information, or any other office practices, please ask!